Support for carers of a loved one with an Eating Disorder.


Caring for a loved one with an Eating Disorder can be a huge physical and emotional toll. From my own experience, I know that a carer’s wellbeing plays a critical part in being best placed to support a loved one with an eating disorder, outside of the therapeutic setting. 

I offer my services to support carers at a reduced rate of £35.00 per hour. I can help you with all of the following:

  • Support you in fostering your confidence in the role of carer. E.g. Reframing unhelpful thinking styles and developing problem-solving skills

  • Developing skills to promote good communication and strategies to help reduce conflict.

  • Implementing skills that support your loved one’s recovery. Such as meal planning* and appropriate goal setting.

  • Managing your stress and developing supportive coping skills. Improving sleep quality/sleep routines.

  • Ensuring your own dietary needs are being met so that you have the energy to care for your loved one.

  • Helping you continue to make time for recreation, movement, and connection with friends and family.

    *Not dietetics